Tuesday, June 20, 2006


day two in the color party and blue is the theme. this photo was taken at the columbus zoo's over rated manatee exhibit. captured here is a moment of gazing into the water and wishing with all my heart that we were at the beach instead. longing for the ocean. wishing i could stand right at the place where the tide comes up and washes over your feet, pulling the sand against you. there is nothing like that moment, looking out at the blue, blue water and the point where the ocean touches the sky. feeling the breeze, smelling the salty air, it all washes over you with a rhythm that matches the waves. in that moment, all my worries wash away. any troubles i had melt. my only concern is that i can take it all in and savor it as long as possible. it's not optional, it's a necessity......i have to go to the ocean soon.


LeS said...

I do love this picture, though.
Can you at least lie in a pool somewhere and close your eyes - you know, pretend?

The ocean is my religion. I hope you find your way there sooon :)

robyn said...

Oh, I so very much know that feeling. I've been supressing my ocean cravings because I don't think I can make it to the coast this summer, but the vividness of what you wrote is making it hard to hide!

You're a fellow Columbus-dweller! So cool to find somebody close by. I'm so jealous that you live downtown-- I'm desperate to get a place near the short north. Love the color and glad to find your blog!

wordcraft said...

Your beach is just a plane and ferry ride away!

Jan Halvarson said...

this photo is awesome meredith! the ocean is calling me too!

andrea said...

so gorgeous. I think you nailed it-- the feeling of what water feels like, looks like. and your words too. you are blowing me away, girlie.