watermelon, carnival games, one slide whistle,
yacht rock, summer break on the horizon, soft fabric, monkeys, koala bears, pretty blue butterfly, strawberry smoothies, .50 cent foot relaxation stations, shooting stars, delightful backyard patio dinner and conversation, tiki torches and nostalgic songs, surprise visits, the annual walk to the art festival, getting soaked in the rain and not minding, beautiful voices singing old familiar gospel songs giving me chills and tears in my eyes, peonies, air conditioning, kind clerks, computer love, swimming pools, party planning, points, daydreams, keeping in touch, touching a shark, riding a camel, spending more days at the zoo and amazingly liking it just fine, pretty stationary, yard sales, anticipating family visits from home, more vinyl, treasured poems, photo reminiscing, strings of days that are all the same in a time when everything is new.