what can i possibly say about wedding planning that hasn't already been said. there are books upon books, magazines, websites, blogs, message boards, conventions, podcasts....all of which i have sampled. after much research and planning i have come to some conclusions.
having a small budget forces you to get creative. this is not a bad thing... it's just very easy to forget when you are staring at hundreds of options, none of which are affordable. if you want to just take what bridal companies and wedding planners want to sell you as the only option.........you will pay more money for something you could probably do for alot less.
however, i can certainly see why people go the cookie cutter wedding route. it's much easier than trying to 're-invent the wheel'. it would be so simple to just choose from their pre-fab options.
i have a feeling that even if i had unlimited resources i wouldn't be satisfied with that.
so .. i am asking you.......dear readers......for your ideas and input a couple of areas that i am still trying to think through. i might put some more ideas up from time to time. here's the first one.
i really want to do photos instead of a traditional bride's book that people sign. i have a plan to do a couple of different backdrops to choose from and have their photo made, which we will later compile into a book. this could be done with poloroids or digital cameras.
poloroids.........pros: immediate gratification/nice white space at the bottom for guests to write a note
cons: expensive film/what do you do with all the poloroids when you are done? the poloroid photo albums i have seen would only fit about 30 pics
digital.........pros: inexpensive/ability to see photo immediately and retake if desired/photos can all be compiled into a book using iphoto or shutterfly
cons: no place for handwritten note so do you get a little journal for that or use a little chalkboard that could be in the photo (if they want it there)
another thought, how hard would it be to construct a DIY photobooth and how could that work?